Pomeroy Police Dept in Pomeroy Washington

  • Police Department Address: P.O. BOX 458
  • City: Pomeroy,
  • ZIP: 99347
  • County: GARFIELD
  • Office Opened: ?
  • Department Type: Municipal Police Department
  • Web Link: Pomeroy Police Dept Web Site

  • Pomeroy Police Dept Mission Statement: The Pomeroy Police Department is a full service Law Enforcement Agency determined to preserve the peace and prevent crime and disorder while we provide the citizens of the Village of Pomeroy a safe and comforting community to live in, and for those passing through our Village a safe and pleasant return. We strive to keep our Village free of Drugs and redeem our streets from drunken drivers. Each of our Officers will give the public the respect and compassion they deserve, by responding to their needs in a prompt and courteous demeanor while guarding personal liberties prescribed by law. This must be done with honor conducting ourselves with the highest ethical standards to maintain public confidence. The Pomeroy Police Department truly runs by the Police Officers Motto "To Serve and Protect."