Mesa County Sheriff Department in Grand Junction Colorado

  • Police Department Address: P O BOX 20000
  • City: Grand Junction,
  • ZIP: 815025016
  • County: MESA
  • Office Opened: ?
  • Department Type: Sheriff's Department
  • Web Link: Mesa County Sheriff Department Web Site

  • Mesa County Sheriff Department The Office of Sheriff is truly a broad based organization. There are several statutory responsibilities of a Sheriff that encompass a wide range of services. The most notable of those services, Law Enforcement and Jail Operations, are most commonly associated with any Sheriff's Office. Beyond "Cops" and "Prisoners" there is much more to our office than meets the eye. The other tasks of serving civil papers, providing courthouse security, transporting inmates, search and rescue, wildland fire fighting, and issuing concealed weapons permits are all lesser known by the general public. We hope to provide information on all responsibilities, statutory or otherwise, on our website.