Torrance Police Dept in Torrance California

  • Police Department Address: 3300 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE
  • City: Torrance,
  • ZIP: 905035056
  • County: LOS ANGELES
  • Office Opened: 1921
  • Department Type: Municipal Police Department
  • GPS Coordinates:33.840631,-118.343565
  • Web Link: Torrance Police Dept Web Site

  • Torrance Police Dept The Torrance Police Department mission is to preserve public safety and quality of life with the City of Torrance, to respond effectively to the changing needs of the community, and to promote mutual respect between the Police Department and the people we serve. The Department's primary concern is community safety. The men and women of the Torrance Police Department are wholeheartedly committed to the goal of keeping our neighborhoods free from crime. Fax (310) 618-5532
