Calaveras County Sheriff Department in San Andreas California

  • Police Department Address: 891 MOUNTAIN RANCH ROAD
  • City: San Andreas,
  • ZIP: 952499713
  • County: CALAVERAS
  • Office Opened: 1850
  • Department Type: Sheriff's Department
  • GPS Coordinates:38.191210,-120.669127
  • Web Link: Calaveras County Sheriff Department Web Site

  • Calaveras County Sheriff Department The mission of the Calaveras County Sheriff�s Department is to provide competent, effective public safety services to all persons with the highest regard for human dignity through efficient, professional, and ethical law enforcement and crime prevention practices. As the chief law enforcement officer of the County, the Sheriff is responsible to: preserve the peace and prevent crime; investigate public offenses which have been committed; arrest persons who attempt to commit or who have committed a public offense; attend to the courts and act as the court crier; obey the lawful orders and directions of the courts held within the County; take charge of the County jail and the prisoners in it; and serve all process and notices in the manner prescribed by law. The Sheriff has adopted Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving as the organization philosophy by which the Department will accomplish its mission. Through the development of police-community partnerships, and the use of pro-active problem solving strategies, the Department will address the causes of crime and fear as well as other community issues.
