Parlier Police Dept in Parlier California

  • Police Department Address: 8770 S. MENDOCINO AVE
  • City: Parlier,
  • ZIP: 93648
  • County: FRESNO
  • Office Opened: 1991
  • Department Type: Municipal Police Department
  • GPS Coordinates:36.608318,-119.547746
  • Web Link: Parlier Police Dept Web Site

  • Parlier Police Dept Public Safety Protection is key in a growing community. Parlier's Police and Fire Protection Services are provided through a diverse workforce of civilian and sworn professionals, well prepared and trained to serve the public safety needs of our community. The City is boastful of its ability to maintain a level of outstanding service to the growing business and residential communities. Parlier is proud of the accomplishments of its employees and their aspirations for the best quality of life possible while living, working, and visiting in Parlier. The City's public safety protection organizations recognize their primary mission and highest priority is to protect the lives and property of the residents of the City of Parlier from the adverse effects of fires, sudden medical emergencies or exposure to dangerous conditions. This is accomplished by serving the community in the most professional, courteous and efficient manner possible.
