Trussville Police Dept in Trussville Alabama

  • Police Department Address: BOX 159
  • City: Trussville,
  • ZIP: 35173
  • County: JEFFERSON
  • Office Opened: ?
  • Department Type: Municipal Police Department
  • Web Link: Trussville Police Dept Web Site

  • Trussville Police Dept The Trussville Police Department consists of fifty four members. There are forty three sworn officers who include the Chief of Police, eight Sergeants, and thirty-four officers. There are eleven civilian or non-sworn employees, these include nine public safety dispatchers, and two administrative assistants in the records section. This department is innovative. Recognizing the constant changes in the community itself, this department strives to stay abreast of the changes and initiate programs which will best serve the community. To preserve its features and way of life which make this City the community it is, "Gateway to Happy Living", and "City With a Future".